Drop the Drugs
Did You Know?
- Throwing out your prescription medicine the wrong way could lead to drug abuse, accidental overdose, and even water contamination?
- 1 in 5 teens have abused prescription drugs?
- Over 50% of teens got the meds for free from friends and family or from the family medicine cabinet?
If you do just one thing, COMMIT to safely disposing of your prescription drugs!
The DROP THE DRUGS Prescription Medication Disposal Program provides members of our Stanislaus County communities a controlled and safe place to dispose of medications that may have accumulated in their homes, diverting potential abuse and unwanted environmental impacts. Stanislaus County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, in partnership with local law enforcement, have been hosting DROP THE DRUGS Prescription Medication Disposal Events since 2009. Over 11,000 pounds of unwanted medication has been collected between 2009 and 2015. With the increase in demand for safe and convenient disposal opportunities, the DROP THE DRUGS Prescription Medication Drop Box Program was created. Beginning with the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department, permanent prescription drop boxes have been placed in the lobbies of local law enforcement agencies across Stanislaus County. You may dispose of pills, liquids (tightly sealed), and over the counter medicine for confidential incineration. NO SYRINGES/NEEDLES ALLOWED IN DROP BOXES. Please see our brochure for Drop Box locations and hours of operation.
Home-generated sharps are accepted every Friday and Saturday (8AM-12PM) at Stanislaus County Department of Environmental Resources’ Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility at 1710 Morgan Road in Modesto. For more information on sharps disposal call (209) 525-6700.
Drop the Drugs events continue to be held in the Spring and Fall. The next event will be held on October 24, 2020.